Secure Web Gateway

Protect users from modern encrypted threats on the internet by leveraging multi-layered security services, leading to stronger enterprise perimeter security and enhanced productivity

Protection Against Escalating Cyber Threats

Organizations are struggling to overcome many of the challenges introduced by the growth in internet traffic and by the rise of modern, feature-rich cloud applications and workloads, including effectively detecting and stopping external threats from infiltrating their corporate networks.

Solutions that can efficiently scale for increased traffic, often with long-lived, persistent connections to cloud applications, while also enhancing the existing security infrastructure are in high demand.

Ever-evolving, modern cyber attacks
  • Modern day attackers are increasingly using the cover of encryption to deliver their malware, ransomware, spyware and Trojans without being detected
  • Data loss, regardless of whether it is initiated by outside attackers, malicious insiders or legitimate users who have fallen victim of phishing attacks, can cause huge financial losses
  • Granular traffic control via traffic filtering and user-ID-based policies is required to maintain a balance between legitimate web access and security

Unfiltered internet access is risky
  • Organizations are increasingly dependent on the internet these days, but this new digital world can become a catalyst for violence and abuse
  • Traffic visibility and filtering options with granular control are necessary to enforce policies for user- and role-based internet access
  • Educational institutions need to maintain Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliance by restricting access to inappropriate and unsafe content on the internet

Non-compliance is costly
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions are an integral part of the modern enterprise network
  • Compliance standards like PCI DSS mandate logging specific details about users related to financial transactions
  • Without high-speed, real-time logging of web activity, tracking security events and data breaches for further analysis is impossible

How We Can Help

The A10 Networks Secure Web Gateway solution allows you to gain full control and visibility of your traffic, with granular, per-user policies that protect from internet-borne cyber attacks.

Gain full control and visibility

  • Deploy in explicit or transparent mode, and with the underlying full-proxy architecture, establish full control over the traffic to ensure continued protection and availability of the network
  • Enhance performance of security devices in the “secure decrypt zone,” including Next-generation firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and more with high-performance SSL/TLS decryption
  • Leverage ICAP integration capabilities to enable Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and virus scanning, as well as Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) for protection against modern encrypted malware, ransomware, viruses and other threats
  • Cater to your organization’s growth beyond a single location, with A10 Harmony Controller, an easy-to-use central management and visibility solution

Block unwanted content

  • Maximize user productivity while reducing the risk of known web threats with URL Filtering
  • Identify and categorize traffic on the application level, allowing for more granular controls and policies to be defined, with application visibility and control
  • Enforce authentication policies for users, making sure no unauthorized access is allowed, with the identity and access management feature. This also enables you to define user-ID-based traffic and inspection policies to maintain granular control
  • Block incoming traffic and cyber attacks from known bad sources on the internet with threat intelligence feeds

Ensure compliance

  • Employ the SWG’s high-speed logging for all session activities, per-rule statistics for SIEM integration, and authenticated session logging