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Combating the Surge of Modern Malware and Ransomware | A10 Networks


Combating the Surge
of Modern Malware
and Ransomware

This eBook will explore the reasons these attacks have increased so dramatically, and more importantly, how to build a strategy to protect your data and networks against these attacks.

  1. What is driving these cyberattacks?
  2. What is the impact of cybercrime?
  3. Where are cyber criminals hiding?
  4. Why you need to implement a Zero Trust strategy now.
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Cyberattacks Have Soared Over the Past Year

Phishing Icon


Phishing has jumped since
the end of February 2020.

USA Icon


Incidents per day in the
US alone.

Cyber Attack Icon


Of firms are seeing an increase
in cyberattacks.


Combating the Surge of
Modern Malware and Ransomware

Cyberattacks have soared over the past year. Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, cybercrime tactics and technologies were growing rapidly in sophistication, driving a rate of nearly 1,300 incidents per day.

Now the numbers are spiking even further, with 80 percent of firms seeing an increase in incidents from DDoS attacks, ransomware, and data breaches to phishing attacks. The COVID-19 pandemic was blamed for a 238 percent rise in cyberattacks on banks, while phishing has jumped 600 percent since the end of February 2020.

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Combating the Surge of Modern Malware and Ransomware