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How to Protect Your Users During a Flash Crowd or DDoS Attack

Your primary goal of DDoS defense should be to ensure the availability of services to legitimate users. Many DDoS defenders miss the nuances of this priority because IT gets graded on a measurable five-nines uptime, but rarely on user experience. This often leads to the use of indiscriminating DDoS prevention measures like Remote Trigger Black Hole (RTBH) and rate-limiting that are plagued with false positives. DDoS defenders must have mitigation strategies that put the user first.

Join Tarun Aggrawal, DDoS Solution Architect, and Don Shin, Product Marketing Manager from A10 Networks, for another DDoS Defender’s Insights webinar. We will dig into how you can implement defenses that apply adaptive policies that block attackers while protecting users during DDoS attacks or flash crowds events.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why traffic shaping and RTBH should be the last course of action
  • How to distinguish users from attackers
  • Types of mitigation strategies and when to apply them safely
  • How to handle a flash crowd event
Tarun Aggrawal
Tarun Aggrawal
DDoS Solution Architect
A10 Networks
Don Shin
Don Shin
Product Marketing Manager
A10 Networks
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