TOKYO – March 28, 2017 – A10 Networks (NYSE: ATEN), a secure application services™ company, today announced that it will participate in NEC Corporation’s “NEC SDN Partner Space” global partnership program for SDN/NFV, and that the two companies will deliver a joint SDN/NFV solution to the market.

Over the years, A10 has offered a host of solutions for SDN/NFV markets with their Thunder Series family of products. For example, A10 links its Thunder ADC series with NEC’s WebSAM vDC Automation cloud infrastructure software and NEC Cloud System. Together, they form a solution that supports construction and operation of customers’ cloud infrastructures. A10’s participation in the NEC SDN Partner Space program involves the integration of individual solutions as a “SDN/NFV Cooperative Solution,” which the two companies will deliver to the market globally, centering on Asia and Europe.

By strengthening the SDN/NFV Cooperative Solution, A10 will continue helping telecommunications companies, enterprises and data centers become more agile and efficient.

“I am delighted that we are able to offer the SDN/NFV Cooperative Solution with A10 Networks,” said Shigeru Okuya, general manager of NEC’s SDN/NFV Division. “Our customers will be able to choose from solutions offered by a wide range of partner companies, allowing seamless integration of security and application networking solutions with customers’ virtual infrastructure. NEC and A10 Networks’ Cooperative Solution will enable telecommunications companies to offer secure and robust networks to end users.”

About A10 Networks
A10 Networks (NYSE: ATEN) is a secure application services company, providing a range of high-performance application networking solutions that help organizations ensure that their data center applications and networks remain highly available, accelerated and secure. Founded in 2004, A10 Networks is based in San Jose, Calif., and serves customers globally with offices worldwide. For more information, visit: and @A10Networks.

The A10 logo, A10 Networks, A10 Harmony, A10 Thunder, Thunder and ACOS are trademarks or registered trademarks of A10 Networks, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Media ContactKarin GillesDirector of Public RelationsKGilles@a10networks.com408-240-5176