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SSL Inspection — Why Don’t More Organizations Do It?

Encryption is necessary to protect online data in transit from being compromised. But threats are always evolving. Bad actors are now leveraging SSL-based encryption to hide malicious activity from existing security controls and technology.

Most security professionals recognize this growing threat, but few feel they are adequately equipped to address the problem. To uncover the truths around encrypted attacks — and the necessary SSL decryption and SSL inspection controls to stop them — A10 Networks commissioned the Ponemon Institute to conduct an in-depth study to explore the realities around SSL threats.

The Ponemon survey, “Hidden Threats in Encrypted Traffic: A Study of North America and EMEA,” investigates the challenges organizations face preventing attackers from using encrypted traffic to obscure their activity.

Executive Summary 6 Discoveries IT Security Pros Need to Know about SSL Inspection > Get It Now


After surveying 1,023 IT and IT security practitioners in North America and EMEA who are involved in detecting and/or preventing Web-based threats and are familiar with their organization’s network traffic inspection, Ponemon provided statistical breakdowns across four key verticals:

  • Healthcare
  • Federal
  • Retail
  • Financial  

During the next two months, A10 will deliver engaging content — including white papers, infographics and an eBook — that evaluates organizational understanding of threat actor behavior changes, abilities to detect and defend against attacks hiding in SSL traffic, barriers to entry for implementing needed decryption solutions, and critical features for SSL decryption solution selection.

Want a sneak peek into what we uncovered? Download the executive summary, “6 Discoveries IT Security Pros Need to Know about SSL Inspection,” to get the six key outlooks from the in-depth Ponemon study.