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Interoperability Takes Center Stage at OpenStack Summit Barcelona

When OpenStack launched six years ago with the promise of an open-source future for public cloud, private cloud, hybrid and multi-cloud environments, the self-proclaimed “open-source cloud operating system” knew it needed an ecosystem of ironclad partners to turn that vision into reality.

Since then, OpenStack’s open-source community has swelled to impressive levels, boasting 34,538 individuals and 559 supporting companies across 177 countries producing. The community has produced more than 20 million lines of code, which power six core projects and more than 60 smaller projects.

At OpenStack Summit Barcelona, all eyes were on OpenStack’s contributors building solutions that play nice with each other and fuel interoperability. From the keynote stage to the demo halls, OpenStack contributors showcased how their solutions interoperate in myriad cloud environments.

In front of a crowd of roughly 5,000 attendees in Barcelona, 16 IT leaders in the OpenStack space executed a live demo that showed application portability across OpenStack public clouds and private clouds. The idea was to show each of the 16 vendors running the same application and automation tools across all of their OpenStack distributions and public clouds. The message was clear: open-source standards give users choice.

A10 Networks, too, highlighted how it gives OpenStack users choice in how they can leverage secure application delivery architectures. On the demo stage, A10 Senior Solutions Architect Jeevan Sharma demonstrated the flexible application delivery controller (ADC) choices A10 offers IT teams that are looking for secure applications services for applications hosted in OpenStack clouds, including:

  • The A10 Networks LBaaS Driver, an OpenStack-native Load Balancing-as-a-Service driver designed to manage A10 Thunder ADC appliances. It provides integration into physical, bare metal or virtual appliances and can be used for higher performance and applications that require higher throughput and vertical scaling. The LBaaS Driver also supports SDN overlay.
  • The A10 Lightning Controller, a centralized controller that allows you to spin up ADCs next to your apps. It provides load-balancing configuration through a single pane of glass, along with per-app analytics, performance monitoring, auto-scaling and orchestration.

You can learn more and watch a replay of Sharma’s presentation in this video:

For more details about A10 Networks and OpenStack, check out our solution brief.