A10 Trademarks

Last Updated Date: Mar. 3, 2025

A10 Networks, Inc.’s (the “Company”) trademarks and service marks (“A10 trademarks”) are among the Company’s most valuable assets. In order to preserve the value of its trademarks, A10 must protect these important assets. Use of A10 trademarks by third parties must comply with this A10 Networks Trademark Usage Policy (the “Policy”).

This Policy is applicable to all A10 Networks organizations and affiliates worldwide and to various business partners of A10 Networks who may be authorized by A10 to use any of the A10 trademarks in connection with their activities on behalf of A10 Networks (e.g., A10 Networks resellers, developers, customers, advertising agencies, consultants, professional writers and editors, licensees and to third parties making reference to A10 Trademarks). Additional requirements and restrictions may apply to business affiliates, alliance members and other third parties who use A10 trademarks under a written license. This Policy may be modified from time to time as the Company deems necessary or appropriate.

The following is a list of A10’s trademarks and registered trademarks in the United States and certain other countries. Please note, however, that this list is not all-inclusive and the absence of any mark from this list does not mean that it is not an A10 trademark.

  • A10 (new logo)
  • A10® (logo)
  • A10 Harmony®
  • A10 Lightning®
  • A10 Networks®
  • A10 Thunder®
  • ACOS®
  • AFleX®
  • aGalaxy®
  • aGAPI®
  • aXAPI®
  • aVCS®
  • FlexPool®
  • Harmony
  • IP-to-ID®
  • Secure Application Services
  • SSLi®
  • SSL Insight®
  • ThreatX
  • ThreatX Protect
  • Thunder®
  • Thunder TPS®
  • UASG
  • vThunder®


All other names appearing on A10’s website or in its documentation may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

1. A10 Networks’ Trademark Rights

As the owner of its trademarks, A10 Networks has the exclusive right to use its trademarks, as well as the right to stop others from using its trademarks improperly or without authorization.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of impermissible uses of A10 Networks’ trademarks:

  • No A10 trademark may be incorporated into or used as part of a third party’s own trademarks, logos, or company name.
  • No A10 trademark may be used in any way that is likely to be confusing, misleading or deceptive as to the source of products, services, materials, courses or programs.
  • No mark that is confusingly similar to A10 trademarks may be used.
  • No A10 trademark may be used in any manner that is likely to disparage, tarnish, dilute or negatively affect A10 Networks’ reputation.
  • No A10 trademark may be used in a way that is likely to imply that the user, its products, or its services are endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated with A10 Networks, without written permission from A10 Networks.
  • No A10 trademark or variation of an A10 trademark may be used in third party domain names or URLs.

A10 Networks will pursue its legal rights against those who engage in any of the aforementioned activities or any other activities that infringe A10 Networks’ trademark rights.

2. Proper Use of Trademarks

You may generally use A10 trademarks to refer to their associated A10 products and services as long as such references are (a) truthful, fair, and not misleading; and (b) comply with this Policy.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of how A10 trademarks may and may not be used. Note that A10’s Logos, design marks, slogans and motion marks can never be used without an express license.

Use a Generic Term

Use a generic term in association with each A10 trademark the first time the mark appears in text, and as often as possible thereafter. For example, A10 Harmony® controller. Generic terms do not need to be included in headlines and document titles.

Use Trademarks as Adjectives, not Nouns

A10 trademarks are adjectives and should not be used as nouns. Always use a trademark as an adjective immediately preceding the noun applicable to the product.

Correct: The A10 Thunder™ unified application service gateway consolidates premium solution modules.

Incorrect: A10 Thunder™ consolidates premium solution modules.

A10 Networks may be used as a noun when referencing the Company

An exception to the “use as an adjective only” rule exists when referring to A10 Networks as the Company. The A10 Networks name may, in that instance, be used as a trade name.

Trademarks may not be used in the plural or possessive

Because trademarks are not nouns, they must never be used in the plural or the possessive.

Correct: THUNDER® ADCs are high-performance solutions

Incorrect: THUNDER’s high performance solutions are among the best in the industry

No Variations

Do not vary A10 trademarks by changing their spelling or shortening them.

Correct: aGalaxy®
Incorrect: aGLXY

Always spell and capitalize A10 trademarks exactly as they are shown in the A10 Networks Trademark List.

Correct: vTHUNDER®

Incorrect: VTHUNDER

In general, you may do the following with A10 trademarks:

  • State that your product, service or solution is interoperable or compatible with an A10 product
    Example: Sundry software is compatible with A10 THUNDER® servers
  • Use A10 trademarks in the title of news articles when truthful and not misleading. Example: A10 Networks releases new Thunder® Convergent Firewall (CFW)
  • Use A10 trademarks less prominently than your own brand or company name unless you have a strategic partnership agreement

3. Use Trademark Symbols and Attribution Statements

Trademark Symbols

Use the ® symbol or ™ symbol adjacent to the first and most prominent reference to the trademark on products, product packaging, manuals, in advertising and promotional materials and on websites. Refer to the status of a particular A10 trademark in the above list to determine which symbol to use. If A10 trademarks will be used outside the United States, use the ™ symbol unless you have confirmed with the Company that the particular mark has been registered in the relevant jurisdiction. Do not add a space between the trademark name and the symbol. The symbol should be in superscript or subscript. In the absence of those symbols, a parenthetical notation such as (TM) is acceptable.


Incorrect: THUNDER ADC

Attribution Statements or Credit Lines

All products, product packaging, manuals, advertising and promotional materials and websites in which A10 trademarks appear must include a statement acknowledging that A10 Networks is the owner of its trademarks. Use the following statement when A10 trademarks appear on products, packaging, manuals, and marketing collateral: “[insert the A10 trademarks used] are trademarks or registered trademarks of A10 Networks, Inc. in the United States and certain other countries. Other names may be the trademarks of their respective owners.” The attribution statement or credit line should appear at the end of a document, on the back of a package or on the bottom of a web page, for example.

4. Business Affiliates, Alliance Members and Other Licensees

Business affiliates, alliance members of A10 Networks, and certain other third parties are limited to specific, approved uses of A10 Networks trademarks by written license agreement. In addition to the requirements and guidelines set forth above, licensees must also use A10 trademarks within the parameters outlined below. Unauthorized or improper use of A10 Networks trademarks may infringe on A10 Networks’ trademark rights.

  • A10 trademarks may not be used in third party company or product names without a written trademark license agreement
  • Licensees shall not use A10 trademarks in close proximity to their own or other third-party trademarks or service marks or combine such marks in a manner that creates a unitary or composite mark without prior written approval of A10 Networks; provided, however, nothing herein shall prevent such licensed third party from preparing and distributing marketing materials in which the A10 trademarks and the licensed third party’s marks appear on the same page or slide as discrete marks. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each use of A10 trademarks is subject to A10 Networks’ pre- approval, such approval to be withheld at A10 Networks’ sole discretion.
  • Prior to publication or release, written approval by A10 Networks must be received by all third parties of advertising and/or marketing collateral or other materials that use A10 trademarks.
  • Except as provided within this Policy, A10 Networks’ third party affiliates may not use any A10 trademark in third party advertising, product packaging, websites or other promotional materials. Neither domain names or URLs incorporating A10 trademarks nor metatags incorporating A10 trademarks in third party websites may be used without A10 Networks’ advance written consent.
  • Additionally, without A10 Networks’ advance written consent, third parties may not hyperlink or deeplink to A10 Networks Web pages, unless the third party provides clear and unmistakable notice that the end user is exiting that Web site and entering the A10 Networks website. The sole circumstance under which deeplinking is permissible is when a need for information on A10 Networks products, programs, services or technologies exists on the third party website.

5. Third Party Use of A10 Networks Logos

A10 Networks logos may be used only when licensed from A10 Networks, Inc. If a company or individual has a valid written license agreement in effect with A10 Networks, that company or individual must use the logo in accordance with the specifications described in the license agreement. Those guidelines are license-specific, and will not be addressed in this general policy. In the event that the terms of an individual license and this policy conflict, the terms of the individual license shall govern. A logo licensee whose license does not describe limitations on use of the logo should follow the guidelines found in Section 2.

6. Disclaimer

No information contained in this Policy is intended to serve as legal advice. If you have questions regarding your legal rights or duties, please consult your own attorney.

A10 Networks reserves the right to change this policy at any time, without notice.