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Multi-cloud and Cloud-native Applications Drive Need for ADC Transformation

Organizations are increasingly adopting hybrid IT and embracing multi-cloud environments, and they are doing so to increase business agility and competitiveness. They are modernizing application delivery infrastructures, including application delivery controllers (ADCs), to support traditional and modern applications both on-premises and in public cloud.

The cloud, as both a destination and an operational model, is a critical means to that end, and multi-cloud environments are increasingly prevalent for a growing number of enterprises. In its IDC Technology Spotlight, sponsored by A10 Networks, “Multi-cloud and Cloud-native Applications Drive Need for ADC Transformation,” IDC notes that although the benefits of multi-cloud infrastructures are compelling, the networking implications are profound. It means that the data center (and network) becomes distributed and more complex to provision and manage.

Managing multiple disparate environments, on top of inherent application complexity, make deploying applications much more complex. Organizations need efficient, agile and high-performance solutions that also provide centralized management and analytics across the entire application infrastructure.

IDC notes that A10 Networks addresses the challenge of multi-cloud and cloud-native application environments through a product portfolio that includes support for traditional and modern applications. A10 Harmony Controller defines a new benchmark of simplicity and security by centrally managing automation and policy enforcement for all ADC form factors across on-premises and multi-cloud deployments. The Technology Spotlight concluded that:

“…A10 Networks will benefit from the opportunities deriving from being able to provide a truly elastic, scalable, and service-oriented ADC platform that addresses the multi-cloud requirements of enterprise customers, which will want and need to consume application delivery services and technologies flexibly to accommodate traditional and modern applications.”

For more information about A10 Networks’ multi-cloud solutions visit the load balancing solution page.