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Talking DDoS Attacks, Security Threats with Layer 3 Communications

DDoS attacks are the scourge of nearly every industry and vertical.

Education, for example, suffers from continual DDoS attacks, according to Alan Jones, Director of Security Services at Layer 3 Communications. That particular industry, like many others, demands solutions that allow them to meet business objectives in a cost-effective way.

We recently caught up with Jones, who joined us as a special keynote speaker at A10 Connect Texas, to talk about the threat landscape and how Layer 3 protects its customers. Watch the video:

According to Jones, Layer 3 sees mostly targeted attacks aimed at customers, such as phishing campaigns and malware.

To combat them and address customers’ security challenges, Layer 3 offers on-premise and managed security services. Layer 3 uses A10 Thunder TPS DDoS protection for its dynamic scrubbing service. When a DDoS attack hits a customer, traffic is slung to Layer 3, where it is cleaned and returned. This process minimizes downtime and disruption, Jones said.

For more information, watch the video above. And to learn more about A10 Thunder TPS, please download our data sheet.