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Cloud-Native Application Delivery Controller with Security

Unveiling the Cloud-native Application Delivery Controller

The drive for agility is fueling key transformations, including the move to cloud, in IT processes and organizations in the enterprise. Application development teams demand it, which is putting immense pressure on infrastructure teams to deliver.

At the same time, the shift to DevOps processes is empowering teams to deploy applications much more quickly, often several times a day; and they’re looking to leverage new architectures based on microservices and containers to deploy and deliver those apps even faster.

As IT and enterprises embrace these new app-centric operations, they strive to find ways to leverage their traditional data centers and existing investments while taking advantage of the cloud to achieve these new levels of agility and speed.

Next-Generation Application Delivery Controller

This makes it even more imperative to optimize application delivery and security, regardless of where applications run, whether that’s in public clouds, private clouds or hybrid clouds.

And these next-generation application architectures must elegantly integrate not only with microservice- and container-based architectures, but with increasingly popular DevOps tools and processes, like Ansible, Chef, Jenkins and Puppet.

The New Approach

Traditionally, application architectures leveraged monolithic development processes, were deployed in a physical data center, relied on IT-led operations and were built around hardware appliances. This new method embraces development and deployment of cloud-native applications and multi-cloud environments while taking advantage of agile and self-service practices built on a consumption model.

And this new approach is working.

Look no further than household names like Netflix, Airbnb and Uber, and you’ll see companies that have taken application agility to the next level, and are currently reaping its benefits.

These new methods are a major departure from the current state of application delivery controllers, which tends to rely solely on either hardware, open source solutions or load balancing offered by cloud providers, each of which, when used individually falls short of delivering the level of agility modern application teams desire.

So what are organizations supposed to do? Application teams crave agility, and IT teams want to deliver that agility through infrastructure that’s secure and easy to manage and control, and also lays the foundation for the move of more applications to the cloud. Yet traditional models fall short in their ability to deliver the auto-scale, visibility and analytics, centralized management, self-service, security and multi-cloud capabilities that modern application teams demand.

Introducing Lightning® Application Delivery Controller (ADC)

Enter A10 Lightning Application Delivery Controller (ADC). Lightning ADC is the first cloud-native application delivery service designed to boost security and delivery of applications across both traditional on-premises and cloud environments. You get the agility of the cloud while protecting your exiting investment in on-premises hardware and data center architecture.

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Lightning ADS offers application traffic management, orchestration, security and analytics for cloud applications, including microservice- and container-based applications.

It’s a cloud-native, software-defined solution that works in multi-cloud environments—public, private and hybrid—to deliver integrated load-balancing, performance optimization, application security and per-application analysis to increase operational agility and application performance.

With Lightning ADS, you can manage both your cloud and traditional applications from a single pane, adding the control that IT requires. And because Lightning ADS is cloud-native, you pay using a subscription model, and not per instance.

All of this combines to improve agility and simplicity while lowering costs.

Key Features and Benefits

Lightning ADS combines four core components—the SaaS-based Lightning Controller, the proxy front-end Lightning ADC, the Lightning Portal for management and Lightning APIs for integrations—to optimize and secure application delivery and connect the world of traditional and cloud applications. Combined, these components deliver a wealth of benefits, including:

  • Traffic management: Easily manage application traffic with Layer 4 load balancing and Layer 7 load balancing with auto-scaling; DevOps agility through integrations with blue-green and canary deployments, and continuous deployment capabilities; policy-based traffic management; and traffic surge protection.
  • Application acceleration: Make applications faster and more responsive with HTTP/2 support to improve page load speeds; compression and caching technologies that speed up response times; and offloading of CPU-intensive workloads like SSL and TCP connection pooling.
  • Application security: Protect against attacks and the damage they can cause through elastic web application firewall (WAF); malware, botnet and DDoS defense; and access controls.
  • Application analytics: Access rich, actionable application level data and insights to improve application performance and reduce troubleshooting time with per-application analytics; comprehensive reporting and visualization; centralized access logs; and programmable alerts.

Real-World Use Cases

A10 Networks customers are already enjoying the benefits of cloud-native secure application delivery services.

For example, a major US-based financial services company that sought to de-risk migration from an on-premises data center to a public cloud IaaS infrastructure.

With A10 Lightning ADS, this financial organization was able to implement centralized per-app policies and visibility across clouds while reducing their CapEx and OpEx costs compared to legacy data center ADCs. The IT team was able to provide the app team increased agility through the per-tenant policy controls.

And a fast growing born-on-cloud e-commerce app on AWS that serves millions of requests per day, moved from multiple load balancers to Lightning ADS and now enjoys a more productive operations team; simple, consolidated architecture; per-app visibility for planning; faster troubleshooting; and improved blue-green continuous deployment.

Improve Agility

A10 Lightning ADS is purpose-built for cloud-native applications, yet supports traditional applications and modern architectures like microservices and containers. And it accelerates and secures applications to support the advanced delivery, security, orchestration, management and control that modern application teams crave.

Take advantage of true application agility, join the cloud-native app revolution with A10 Lightning ADS.