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aXAPI cli.deploy and cli.show_info with Python

The code in this blog can be downloaded on my github account.

In my last post, A10 Networks aXAPI with Python, examples were given on utilizing Python with existing aXAPI methods such as slb.server.create, slb.service_group.create, and slb.virtual_server.create. It is efficient, clean, and quick.

But there are times when you just need to do a quick query, the procedure you want is not supported in existing method, or maybe you just donโ€™t have time to look thru all the documentation. What do you do then? Enter cli.deploy and cli.show_info.

cli.deploy and cli.show_info can be thought of as catch all methods that allows you to configure device or do show commands as if you are in front of the terminal. The procedures are the same, but the body of your HTTP post would just be the commands you want to enter.

  • cli.deploy
In this example, I just write a text file, called cliDeployCommands.txt that lists out the commands I want to enter:
A10_aXAPI$ cat cliDeployCommands.txt
slb server s1
port 80 tcp
slb server s2
port 80 tcp
wr mem

Then execute the script. The script is practically identical to the last post except the HTTP POST body. You can download the script on the GitHub link above, it is also pasted at the bottom of this post.

A10_aXAPI$ python -d -c cliDeployCommands.txt
Session Created. Session ID: 958b183474deaa0914176da4121ca8
URL Created. URL: https ://โ€&grab_config=1 body: slb server s1
port 80 tcp
slb server s2
port 80 tcp
wr mem

Result: slb server s1
SoftAX(config-real server)#port 80 tcp
SoftAX(config-real server-node port)#slb server s2
SoftAX(config-real server)#port 80 tcp
SoftAX(config-real server-node port)#wr mem
Building configurationโ€ฆ
Write configuration to primary default startup-config
SoftAX(config-real server-node port)#
  • cli.show_info

In this example, I do the same thing. Create a text file called โ€˜showInfoCommands.txtโ€™:

A10_aXAPI$ cat showInfoCommands.txt
show version
show interface brief

And execute the script accordingly:

A10_aXAPI$ python -d -c showInfoCommands.txt
Session Created. Session ID: 9835d3e172e2cc25d1499a8b081b91
URL Created. URL: https :// body: show version
show interface brief

Result: show version
AX Series Advanced Traffic Manager AXSoftAX
Copyright 2007-2013 by A10 Networks, Inc. All A10 Networks products are
protected by one or more of the following US patents and patents pending:
7716378, 7675854, 7647635, 7552126, 20090049537, 20080229418, 20080040789,
20070283429, 20070271598, 20070180101

64-bit Advanced Core OS (ACOS) version 2.7.1-P2, build 57 (Aug-02-2013,12:17)
Booted from Hard Disk primary image
Licenses: Bandwidth
Serial Number: SoftAX1000004380
aFleX version: 2.0.0
aXAPI version: 2.1
Hard Disk primary image (default) version 2.7.1-P2, build 57
Hard Disk secondary image version 2.6.1-GR1-P10, build 46
Last configuration saved at Oct-11-2013, 02:29
Virtualization type: VMware
Hardware: 1 CPUs(Stepping 11), Single 9G Hard disk
Memory 2061 Mbyte, Free Memory 855 Mbyte
Hardware Manufacturing Code: N/A
Current time is Oct-11-2013, 02:36
The system has been up 2 days, 12 hours, 10 minutes
SoftAX#show interface brief
Port Link Dupl Speed Trunk Vlan MAC IP Address IPs Name
mgmt Up Full 1000 N/A N/A 000c.29be.5b4c 1
1 Disb None None None 1 000c.29be.5b56 0
2 Disb None None None 1 000c.29be.5b60 0
3 Disb None None None 1 000c.29be.5b6a 0

Again, full script can be viewed at the bottom of this post as well as downloaded from the GitHub link above.

So why wouldnโ€™t we use cli.deploy and cli.show_info all the time? After all, wouldnโ€™t we want to just use something that โ€˜always workโ€™ instead of looking for a particular method every single time? I think the answer is โ€˜maybeโ€™. Some arguments can be made for NOT using cli.deploy and cli.show_info as the single source of tool:

  1. For cli.deploy, there is finite amount of buffer commands you can send in one shot. I have not run into it yet and Iโ€™d imagine is it enough for most situations, but there is a limit.
  2. For cli.deploy, you have to know the syntax of configuration and order of operations. It is meant for network engineers and arguably not intuitive for developers.
  3. For cli.show_info, the result you get back is the same as you would on a remote session. You will need to do your own screen scraping and text parsing, no different than, say, an Expect script. This is HUGE for me, I really do hate screen scraping.

In conclusion, I believe they both have their places in the tool bag. Isnโ€™t it nice that A10 provides both options?

Leave me comments on how I can improve my script and ideas about future posts. I sure appreciate them.

The scripts can be downloaded here.

cli.deploy script:

A10_aXAPI$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python

# v1, September 30, 2013
# by Eric Chou
# Reference: AX_aXAPI_Ref_v2-20121010.pdf

import httplib, json, urllib, urllib2, optparse

# specify device and command
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option(โ€˜-dโ€™, โ€˜โ€“deviceโ€™, dest=โ€deviceโ€, action=โ€storeโ€)
parser.add_option(โ€˜-cโ€™, โ€˜โ€“commandโ€™, dest=โ€commandFileโ€, action=โ€storeโ€)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
device = options.device
commandFile = options.commandFile
# Gets the session ID
c = httplib.HTTPSConnection(device)
c.request(โ€œGETโ€, โ€œ/services/rest/V2/?method=authenticate&username=admin&password=a10&format=jsonโ€)
response = c.getresponse()
data = json.loads(
session_id = data['session_id']
print โ€œSession Created. Session ID: โ€ + session_id

# Construct HTTP URL and Post Body
post_body = open(commandFile, โ€˜rโ€™).read()
url = โ€œhttps://โ€ + device + โ€œ/services/rest/V2/?&session_id=โ€ + session_id +
print โ€œURL Created. URL: โ€ + url + โ€ body: โ€ + post_body

# Making request
req = urllib2.Request(url, post_body)
rsp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
content =
print โ€œResult: โ€ + content


cli.show_info script:

A10_aXAPI$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python

# v2, October 10, 2013
# by Eric Chou
# Reference: AX_aXAPI_Ref_v2-20121010.pdf

import httplib, json, urllib, urllib2, optparse

# specify device and command
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option(โ€˜-dโ€™, โ€˜โ€“deviceโ€™, dest=โ€deviceโ€, action=โ€storeโ€)
parser.add_option(โ€˜-cโ€™, โ€˜โ€“commandโ€™, dest=โ€commandFileโ€, action=โ€storeโ€)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
device = options.device
commandFile = options.commandFile
# Gets the session ID to
c = httplib.HTTPSConnection(device)
c.request(โ€œGETโ€, โ€œ/services/rest/V2/?method=authenticate&username=admin&password=a10&format=jsonโ€)
response = c.getresponse()
data = json.loads(
session_id = data['session_id']
print โ€œSession Created. Session ID: โ€ + session_id

# Construct HTTP URL and Post Body
post_body = open(commandFile, โ€˜rโ€™).read()
url = โ€œhttps://โ€ + device + โ€œ/services/rest/V2/?&session_id=โ€ + session_id + โ€œ&format=json&method=cli.show_infoโ€
print โ€œURL Created. URL: โ€ + url + โ€ body: โ€ + post_body

# Making request
req = urllib2.Request(url, post_body)
rsp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
content =
print โ€œResult: โ€ + content