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Application Load Balancer with Analytics for AWS GovCloud

A10 announces the immediate availability of its Harmony Controller SaaS with Lightning ADC for AWS GovCloud. A10 was invited to deliver the keynote address at the 9th annual AWS Public Sector Summit, due to our position as the only application delivery SaaS solution for the AWS Public Sector SaaS.

AWS GovCloud is the isolated region allowing organizations to host highly sensitive application and data workloads for federal, state, and local governments. You can find out more information at AWS GovCloud (US).

Today’s announcement of the new Public Sector SaaS further validates the subscription-based model in Public Sector IT. Organizations can onboard a new application with just a few clicks, resulting in enhanced agility and scalability . Subscribers can achieve greater alignment of costs-to-usage within an OPEX budget model.

Harmony Controller is available through the AWS Marketplace and AWS GovCloud as a SaaS offer with Lightning ADC.

Modern applications in AWS GovCloud have the same requirements as on-premises data centers for advanced load balancing, application delivery, and web security services. A10’s advanced application load balancing solution complements existing AWS services. This enables:

  • Comprehensive application service visibility
  • In-depth aggregated analytics
  • Enterprise-grade load balancing
  • Security capabilities, including WAF

Unlike traditional application delivery controllers, the A10 Lightning ADC for GovCloud SaaS includes extensive analytics. Application layer insights help quickly and reliably troubleshoot common issues, like application response times. Hundreds of metrics are collected by Lightning ADC and then correlated with analytics in the Harmony Controller. The information is presented in the context of client, application, and application resources.

Harmony Controller Dashboard


The Harmony Controller is hosted and operated by A10 within AWS GovCloud, reducing the operational burden on application teams. The A10 Networks team runs regular security scans and audits for security vulnerabilities, further ensuring a secure environment. The SaaS controller is in an isolated environment with network-layer ACLs. All communication between Lightning ADC and the Harmony Controller are sent securely via encryption.

With A10’s solution available for on-premises, private cloud, public cloud, and SaaS subscription,  customers can have the same experience and policies spanning multiple environments, including the AWS GovCloud region.

Get a quick demo of the A10 Harmony Controller or a 30-day trial of Harmony Controller and Lightning ADC of advanced load balancing for free in AWS GovCloud regions today.