DDoS Detection, Mitigation, Orchestration, and Threat Intelligence
Consolidated Security & CGNAT
TLS/SSL Inspection
Web Application Firewall
Application Security & Load Balancing
Analytics & Management
CGNAT & IPv6 Migration
aFleX is a powerful and flexible scripting language that you can use to manage your traffic and provide enhanced benefits and services.
aFleX is optimized to run very fast and is highly scalable; however, depending on how you build your script, aFleX may use more AX/Thunder CPU and RAM resources.
This section will help you build optimal aFleX scripts.
Rule #0: What about application templates?
AX/Thunder Series offers multiple templates to do advanced functions such as:
So it’s always recommended to use application templates when possible.
Rule #1: Limit variables
Variables use resources:
Both examples below do the same thing, but the first one is more efficient:
Example 1:log “Client address=[IP::client_addr]”
Example 2:set ip_addr [IP::client_addr]log “Client address=$ip_addr”
Rule #2: Brace your expressionsaFleX uses the TCL scripting language, which is string based.Using braces {} to encapsulate commands helps TCL analyze the function.Both examples below do the same thing, but the first one is more efficient:
Example1:set octet [expr {3 + [getfield [IP::client_addr] “.” 4]}]
Example2:set octet [expr 3 + [getfield [IP::client_addr] “.” 4]]
Rule #3a: Use if-elseif instead of ifWhen you have multiple tests, use if-elseif to limit aFleX to go through all the tests.Both examples below do the same thing, but the second one is more efficient:
Example1:if {[IP::client_addr] equals “″ } {pool sg1}
if {[IP::client_addr] equals “″ } {pool sg2}
if {[IP::client_addr] equals “″ } {pool sg3}
Example2:if {[IP::client_addr] equals “″ } {
pool sg1
} elseif {[IP::client_addr] equals “″ } {
pool sg2
} elseif {[IP::client_addr] equals “″ } {
pool sg3
} else {
pool default
Rule #3b: Use switch instead of if-elseifWhen you have multiple tests, a single switch statement is more efficient than many if-elseif statements for evaluating all the tests. (Switch statements are simpler to code too.)
Example 1:
switch [IP::client_addr] { { pool pool1 } { pool pool2 } { pool pool3 }
default { pool default_pool }
Example 2:
if {[IP::client_addr] equals “″ } {
Rule #4: Use arrays instead of lists for lookups in data groupsWhen you have a data group and you look for an entry in that list, an array is more efficient than lists for finding an entry.
when RULE_INIT {
array set ::ARRAY1 [list “/url1” “sg1” “/url2” “sg2” … ] }
if { info exists ::ARRAY1([HTTP::uri]) } {
pool $::ARRAY1([HTTP::uri])
set ::CACHEURLS [list “/url1” “/url2” …]
set ::URLS2SG [list “sg1” “sg2” …]
set SEARCH_INDEX [lsearch -exact $::CACHEURLS [HTTP::uri]]
if { $SEARCH_INDEX != -1 } {
pool [lindex $::URLS2SG $SEARCH_INDEX]
Rule #5: Use the correct operator
For numbers, use the following operators: ==, !=, >, <
For strings, use “eq”, “ne”, so on.
set url_length [string length [HTTP::uri]]
if { [string length [HTTP::uri]] == 10 } {
if { [string length [HTTP::uri]] eq 10 } {
Rule #6: Avoid regex and regsubRegex and regsub are powerful TCL commands, but use a lot of CPU. Instead, use the following commands when possible:
if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with “/docs”} {
if { [regex {^/docs} [HTTP::uri] } {
Example 3:
if { [HTTP::header “Content-Type”] contains “text” } {
set payload_length [HTTP::payload length]
HTTP::payload replace 0 $payload_length [string map {“https://intranet.abc.com”“https://intranet.abc.com”} [HTTP::payload]]
Example 4:
regsub -all “https://intranet.abc.com” [HTTP::payload] “https://intranet.abc.com”new_payload
HTTP::payload replace 0 $payload_length $new_payload
aFleX is a powerful and flexible scripting language that you can use to manage your traffic and provide enhanced benefits and services. It’s built into the Thunder® Application Delivery Controller (ADC), a high-performance load balancing solution that enables your applications to be highly secure, available, and accelerated.