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A10 Networks Forest – Helping Support a More Sustainable Future

A10 Networks is committed to environmental conservancy and, among other initiatives, we have plans to support the 10-year carbon reduction goal. Alongside this goal, we are contributing to reforestation efforts with the A10 Forest through Treedom.

Treedom’s mission is to finance farmers around the world who want to plant and maintain trees for food autonomy and income potential, while at the same time, supporting reforestation initiatives to lower CO2 across the globe. Working with Treedom, the A10 Forest consists of 1,050 trees planted in nine countries: Cameroon, Colombia, Ghana, Guatemala, Italy, Kenya, Madagascar, Nepal and Tanzania.

You can help A10 support these goals by adopting a tree in the A10 Forest.

Treedom’s actions with the A10 Forest contribute to the achievement of 10 out of 17 sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations Development Program. This program aims to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all in the context of a new sustainable development agenda.

Planting trees in Cameroon

Advantages of an Agroforestry Project

Agroforestry means our trees are being integrated with current farming plantations. In addition to a long list of socio-economic advantages, this also creates a broader ecosystem that benefits the growth of the crops with different plant species offering support and protection from external factors including extreme climate events.

When the trees are added to existing annual crops, careful consideration is made to ensure that not only do the trees in the A10 Forest thrive but are also beneficial to existing crops.

Earth Day Forest Photo
Forest in Kenya

Environmental and Biodiversity Benefits

Not only do trees produce the oxygen we need to breathe, but with climate change, trees are imperative for the following reasons:

  • Absorb of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • Provide food and shelter for other plants and animals
  • Enrich biodiversity
  • Protect crops from extreme weather

Measuring the Positive Impact

The A10 Forest helps to absorb 164,390kg of Co2 from the atmosphere, which is equivalent to the amount of Co2 produced by 856 HGV trucks. Treedom produced this figure by calculating the amount of Co2 stored in each tree based on the tree’s mass, species, location and lifespan.

Our work with Treedom and the A10 Forest helps support the Business Ambition for 1.5°C initiative. A10’s environmental initiatives are aligned with the 1.5°C ambition as outlined in the Paris Agreement.

To adopt a tree in the A10 forest please visit the Treedom website here.

More information about Treedom can be found at