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A10 Harmony Controller v4.1 Update

Today, we announced new functionality for the A10 Harmony Controller v4.1 release, expanding A10’s multi-cloud analytics and management platform with advanced security and connected intelligence capabilities from new modular Harmony Apps.

Introduction to the A10 Harmony Controller

Harmony Controller is a cloud native centralized management and analytics platform to manage A10’s product line of Thunder security appliances. The Harmony Controller offers application analytics and management capabilities. This allows IT administrators to gain visibility into application traffic, configure and manage policies across our Thunder appliances in data centers, private clouds and public clouds.

Harmony Controller can manage the following Thunder appliances.

A10 Harmoney Controller Centralized Management

A10 Harmony Controller Centralized Management

The A10 Harmony Controller and A10 Thunder appliances collect per-app metrics, consolidates the analytics, and correlates them in a central repository. This provides Layer 4Layer 7 application visibility so that administrators can quickly troubleshoot and resolve network and security problems.

What’s New in A10 Harmony Controller v4.1

  • Pre-loaded with A10’s Thunder ADC services and self-service Harmony App for Thunder SSLi.
  • Analytics history increased to 12 months. The longer history allows NetOps and SecOps to investigate older events, like client access logs and traffic analytics data.
  • In the case of three-nodes controller deployment, we provide redundancy with Multi-master High Availability.

Harmony Applications Overview

The Harmony Controller 4.1 release comes with a modular application framework that provides centralized application visibility and management platform for secure L4-7 services. These applications are referred to as Harmony Apps. The modular approach provides flexibility for IT administrators to add or upgrade an individual Harmony App quickly and easily.

A10 Harmony Controller Applications Overview

Harmony ADC App Traffic Dashboard

A10 Harmony Controller ADC App Traffic Dashboard


The Harmony ADC secure application services offer a real-time application traffic dashboard that displays several metrics, including:

  • Client geolocation information
  • HTTP request type and server response codes
  • End-to-end latency details
  • Top client IPs
  • Top browser & OS types

Harmony SSLi App Traffic Dashboard

A10 Harmony SSLi App Traffic Dashboard

The Harmony SSLi App allows administrators to manage their encrypted traffic, including:

  • Visualize SSL traffic
  • Decryption and encryption
  • Bypassing
  • Traffic management using categorization

Harmony CGN App Traffic Dashboard

A10 Harmony CGN App Traffic Dashboard

A10 Harmony CGN App Traffic Dashboard

Administrator can view traffic and security analytics to detect anomalous trends and get customizable alerts based on configurable metrics. The Harmony CGN App includes:

  • Granular real-time traffic visibility to subscribers and network services
  • Session information
  • System performance metrics


The latest A10 Harmony Controller update offers a single pane of glass to monitor and manage multiple Thunder security services deployed across data centers, public and private clouds. The intelligence created by real-time streaming analytics and machine learning help organizations gain actionable insights on per-app behavior, end-user experience, security audit level and environment health.

Free 30-Day Trial of Harmony Controller

From traditional on-premise data centers to public clouds, private clouds and hybrid clouds, see how the A10 Harmony Controller delivers real-time analytics to help to improve your application performance and security.

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